Five of Cups
Hello, and welcome to my website, on Neocities! I've decided to name myself after the Five of Cups, a tarot card representing things such as regret, sorrow, depression, disappointment and loss. Like all tarot cards, the reverse has a different meaning; symbolizing moving on from these things and self-acceptance. Given the dual meanings, this is a card that I've often found particularly resonates with me.

Despite the name, this is not a site about Tarot. Rather, it's my personal website. I'll be using it to essentially store my thoughts and opinions on various topics of interest: hobbies, media, academia, etc. I may also upload some personal projects onto this site - we'll see how I feel about it. So, given that this is a catch-all personal site, an "About Me" is probably in order!
About Me
I haven't decided whether to refer to myself as "Five" or "Cups" on this website, or whether to dox myself and just use my real name. The basic identities are that I'm in my mid-twenties, nonbinary (any pronouns), currently living in a small midwestern (US) college town. I'm studying mathematics (ergodic theory, functional analysis), and designing this website as a way to procrastinate studying. I have a number of hobbies, most of which I'm too overworked to pursue - juggling, tabletop RPGs, record-collecting, fantasy writing, boardgames, wargames, swimming, astronomy and probably others that I've forgotten to mention because I haven't kept up with them in years.
I'm theoretically Jewish, but even for me that's always felt like trivia - it's more accurate to call me a third-generation atheist. That said, I find atheism to be rather spiritually lacking, and have been trying to find a religion/spirituality that works for me. At the moment, really the only thing I do that in any way resembles religious practice is the occasional (weirdly accurate) Tarot reading. I might talk about some stuff about that here at some point.
Despite frequent internet use for basically my entire life, I've never been able to get into social media. I was inspired by this YouTube video to try and create a website. This is something of a personal experiment for me - both in terms of struggling to get the CSS to look the way I want it to, and in terms of having a public void to scream all of my thoughts into. I imagine that I'll treat this as a semi-public diary, a hub for all of my creative output, and a place to put relatively uninformed manifestos on various political topics that occasionally consume.
What's Here?
- Start talking about math here.
- Start uploading some of my fiction writing here.
- Start talking about the books that I'm reading here.
- More blog posts!
- Make site navigation easier.
- Add a navbar, or some other, prettier way to navigate the site than just my "What's Here?" list above.
- Make a button so that people can link to my site.
- Start linking to other websites that I like.
- Add some way to be contactible, to those who browse and find my website.
- Get the word about my website out - maybe by joining a webring?
- Get rid of the tiny white bar on the top and bottom of my site.
- Figure out what RSS is, and how to do it.